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How To Use a Lensatic Compass




















It’s an amazing fact that in the modern day, while most any child could tell you the general purpose of a compass, the majority of children (and even grown adults) don’t actually know how to use one effectively. The extent that many people would be able to tell you is that the arrow points due north. Even in this, they would be incorrect.

However, this phenomenon is unsurprising when considering the ubiquitous proliferation of GPS devices in the last few decades. So, why bother with old, analog compasses in our modern age at all? The simple answer is that while GPS navigation is certainly a powerful navigational tool, electronic devices will always be more prone to a myriad of failures than a basic compass and paper map.  Whether it be dead batteries, exposure to water, accidental breakage or a computer chip simply failing at the worst possible time, the prudent adventurer will always pack a good compass for backup navigation. Which is why militaries around the globe still issue the classic, magnetic compass to their soldiers.

In these articles, we will examine how to properly use a lensatic compass to: set and follow a course to a visible destination; find true north; locate your position on a map; plot a course to a hidden destination; and give your exact position to someone else when necessary. We will also cover some basic navigational concepts such as azimuth, declination and more. These articles are meant to be read sequentially, with each building upon the previous. All the articles contain buttons to go to the next or previous article in the series. You may also skip to any of the articles via the links below. All images in this series can be mangnified to gain a better view of compass and map details.

While not absolutely necessary, we also recommend taking a look at our three other navigational articles: How to Read A Topographic Map; Basic Navigational Skills; and especially All About Compasses, for a better base of knowledge as you read through this series.



The Compass & Some Navigational Basics

Task 1: Setting a Course

Task 2: Locating Your Position

Task 3: The Hidden Destination

Task 4: Relaying Your Position​

Cammenga Lensatic Compass on Topographic Map
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